Starting to put things together and determine overall length. Here is the bolt in the upper:
The bolt face is about half an inch into the receiver, when the bolt is locked, so I need a 17" barrel beyond the end of the upper to be legal.

This leads to the obvious conclusion that this rifle will have to be a SBR, otherwise it will be too damned big to be at all 'handy'. That still leaves the question of suppressing it, but having a suppressor, and an SBR may not add much, other then a bigger check to the BATFE.
Finally here is the receiver with a mag installed. That's a converted AR-10 mag that will feed .45ACP.
The next step is a lower parts kit, a stock and a charging handle.
"The bolt face is about half an inch into the receiver, when the bolt is locked, so I need a 17" barrel beyond the end of the upper to be legal."
No you don't. You need a 16" barrel length. not a visible 16" barrel. They measure the length by using a rod down the barrel to the closed breach face.
Quite right TomcatTCH: I need 15.5 inches of barrel beyond the receiver to be legal.
Sadly, that doesn't change the issue with the OAL much, because most of the length difference between an AR15 and an AR10 is in the receiver.
Saturday is not my strong day for math apparently.
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